about Us
LIVELIHOOD NGO-USA Inc is a membership not-for-profit, non-governmental Organization, with no political and no religious leaning.
We strive for the wellbeing of all persons without any form of discriminations, be it race, color, sex, origin, able or disable.
LIVELIHOODNGO-USA Inc is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization since 2012. Our head office is based in Maryland, USA.
Our mission - is to serve humanity, promote tolerance and restore human dignity in the United States and in Africa by supporting the homeless, mentally challenged persons, displaced persons/refugees, empowering individuals and communities to take action towards improving on their livelihoods.
Our goal - is to end the cycle of poverty through activities that address homelessness, hunger, improved healthcare and sustainable environment. We provide practical tools/skills and resources that strengthen the ability of individuals and communities socially and economically while promoting policies and practical programs that foster freedom and dignity.
Hence we :-
- Make housing available for homeless individuals,
- Setup food pantries to provide access to people who are in need of food
- Ensure training on basic skills needed for job creation.
- Work with communities in ensuring that they have access to and practice good hygiene and sanitation in order to reduce the impact of diarrhea diseases among children,
- Promote and support household water treatment using locally made Bios and water filters.